Friday, March 24, 2006

American Inventor

I watched this show for the first time last night. It was the second episode, I guess. It was kind of interesting to see the different things that people are trying to market. It was interesting to see what the judges voted as viable. I agreed with most of what they thought, although I think the one dumpy guy with glasses that supposedly designs toys for a living is just a jerk. My biggest complaint from last night is that I think they should have a minimum age that is allowed to even audition for this show. Last night they had a 12 year old boy who had invented 'invisible tear gas'. They voted against him saying his invention wasn't quite what they were looking for, and he left crying. It's a wonder he didn't bomb the judges with that invisible tear gas for voting against him. It was really sad because the poor kid was obviously very intelligent, and when they interviewed him, he said he invented it by accident. My question is...what in the world is a 12 year old doing experimenting with things that could lead him to invent invisible tear gas? Scary! I sure wouldn't want to live next door to him!

Oh, and the lingerie 'inventor' looked totally staged to me. That one definitely was all about getting ratings for a new show. All the 'drama' was definitely staged.

But, overall, I liked the idea of this show. I liked the little gadget that helps you keep the doors shut on public restrooms and I liked the little doll that spoke 3 languages. It will be interesting who finally wins, but I figure anyone who got air time that wasn't a wacko already is a winner. If they have even a half way decent idea, there are going to be companies that will be contacting them to cash in.

Wish I'd thought of the idea of that little piece of plastic for the restroom door!


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